
Chonky Angery Boi The Angry Shiba Pillow

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Introducing the lovable but brooding Chonky Angery Boi - The original Angry Shiba Pillow

He's thicc, he attacc... but most importantly - he will eat your snacc 🐾

Your Chonky Angery Boi is a fat angry shiba plushie that comes complete with:

- An angry face, to brighten up you day.

- Soft silky smooth fur, for stroking.

- A thicc shiba belly (filled with premium cotton) for angry doggo huggsies 

two dog plush pillows being angry, uptight and resentful simply for being chonky angry shibes
Original - 40cm in length
Large - 50cm in length

This Angry Shiba Plushie is suitable for ages 3+
fat stuffed animals shiba plush money back guarantee

Your Chonky Angery Boi comes with a 30 day money back guarantee so you can buy with confidence.

Want to get featured?

DM or tag us a picture with your angry shiba pillows and we will feature it on our instagram page @thehappyshibas

5000 + Happy Customers

Why is he so angry?

Chonky used to be a calm sleepy shiba. Yes, every so often he would run around and bark at the next door neighbours cat, but all in all he was a relaxed shibe.

Then one day the cat stole the last 'chimken nugger' from the plate, the one our shiba had his eye on. Chonky was fuming, he wanted that nugget so much!

From that day on he became Chonky Angery Boi and his liking made into an angry shiba pillow. Forever to be angry that he never got that last chicken nugget.

The one thing that makes this angry plush less angry? Helping you sleep, by being a pillow.

Fat shiba inu plush pillow looking happy but deep down a dog that is bitter and enraged
This month we are donating a generous amount from your order to Adopt a shiba charities. Let's share the love. ❤️